The on-going, first-hand tale of a journey through medical oncology... and what happens after.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Preliminary good news

Today I underwent my first post-diagnosis CT scan. As I have certainly blogged about before, this involves a four-hour no-drinkee period and a one-hour drinkee-the-barium-solution period (which, by the way, has actually progressed from the detestable barium shake to a much-more-palatable barium-laced raspberry kool-aid). The scan was simple, especially with my PowerPort, and I was out before we knew it (with a dose of directed radiation that is hundreds if not thousands of times higher than most of the radiation that the US is detecting from the unfortunate Japanese reactor situation). I am profoundly unworried about the cumulative dosage of radiation that I am receiving intentionally.

But enough with the long-windedness already! I heard from my oncologist's office that the results are good, and that the tumors are shrinking demonstrably. They will confer with the liver surgeon between today and next Wednesday, when we will discuss next steps and so on. I believe that I will have at least one more chemotherapy treatment next week, but today's news means that the first phase of cancer, part two, is proceeding apace.

Thanks to all for the support via prayers, karma, thoughts, and hugs. I am somewhat relieved. :) The anxiety of not-knowing is so hard for me.


Mikey said...

Very encouraging news, Ed. Nice to see a bit of light after what you've just been through. :)

Paul said...

Wow-- I read this with great relief, Ed. Was thinking about you, Karen and Julia a lot yesterday. There are more trials ahead, obviously, but this news is good. Will be keeping you in my thoughts in the days ahead.

David P. Craig said...

Shrinkage is very good news. Thanks for the update.

kw said...

I agree with David - Yay for shrinkage! Bad for candy bars and bike shorts; great for tumors. And I'm glad the wait is over. Docs are always offering Valium before surgery - I always ask if I can save it to take while I wait for test results. I'm glad your results were good.

Jayne Leighty said...

The unknown is always the hardest part. So glad you have at least some peace for now. You are over the hump!

John said...

Yeah!!! Keep on keeping on friend.

Andy said...


Anonymous said...

Great News, Ed! And I love how you are always able to comment on the broader world as well!


Anonymous said...

Shrinkage is a word that usually elicits "isn't there a Seinfeld episode..." moment. Today I have a new context. Not as funny, but MUCH better. The sound of many people releasing their held breath is almost audible ... Kay

Anonymous said...

The anxiety of not knowing is hard on all of us, Ed. I'm so glad, so glad the news is good. I was worried.

Dorothy S.

Deaf/Hard of Hearing Resource Room said...

You have put up the good fight...this is going in the right is a good day.