The on-going, first-hand tale of a journey through medical oncology... and what happens after.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Treatment #10

Finally, we can cross off another one of those elusive chemo-therapy treatments! This morning we drove up to the Center for Health and Well-Being (catchy name, don't you think?) and, with the help of frantically-aligned planets, karma sent toward us from around the globe, and a heavy dose of restorative rest over the past five weeks, I passed my blood test and was infused. The dosage of oxaliplatin was again reduced (now down almost 50% from the amount I received in each of the first 8 treatments), as was the 5-FU (down 25%), and I am again receiving the neupogen (1 injection daily for 5 days starting on Saturday). We are told that this delay-stuff happens routinely in about 1/3 of the cases that Dr. Blanke has seen.

So, now I will be tired again (or, MORE tired than I have been for the past several weeks). But, at most, I have two treatments left. And I'll fill you all in on the scenarios in a later post... but I needed to get the blog-post monkey off my back. Thanks for all the support, and karma.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey -- I never thought I'd be so excited about someone getting chemo...but I am!!! Yipee!!

- Cesie